Friday, June 15, 2012

How do you e-read?

As you know if you've read the latest ITL update, we're moving into the next book now.  I'm having a great time with it, and I hope that you'll enjoy it, too!

In response to comments:

Michelle, I'm sorry!  When Lulu offered me publishing options and recommended the DRM version, I was like, sure, sounds good!  I didn't realize that it would drastically change the file's readability.  I'll look into fixing that if I can.

Pukku, I apologize.  Right now, the CreateSpace, Lulu, and Amazon versions available are all I have.  Eventually, ideally, I'll have a version of everything to suit everyone's needs.  I'm sorry, y'all are way more versed in e-publishing than I am, so I'm not aware of the pros and cons of every version and how they work with various readers.

I think the main problem here is that a lot of people read e-books in different ways.  Some people want PDFs and some want EPUBs and some people use Nook and some people want Kindle and some people don't use either but prefer Kindle formatting anyway.

Maybe it would help if you'd all let me know what works best for you, so that I can prioritize whatever suits the most people.  Should I e-publish through Lulu?  Should I publish for Kindle?  Is there some other thing I should be doing altogether?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

From comments

Well, y'all are awesome, but I already knew that.

Thank you for the great feedback on Trent and Jason and The Mystery of the Golden Goddess!  I'm glad that everyone's having so much fun with them!

Okay, from comments, I got votes for Talin and Selorin to take their turns next in ITL.  And was it my imagination, or did Vade's name keep cropping up?

Talin and Selorin.  Let's compare.

(This is where I mention, just for the sake of clarity, that this is a conversation for fun because I like to hear what y'all think, but the plot of ITL is already settled, and it was decided long ago which book is next.  I don't want you to get all annoyed if you vote for Desin and The Green Book isn't next.)

We've seen Selorin with a string of boyfriends, but he reserves his deep relationships for family.  Still, playing the Maiden to Orinakin's Wanderer is no fun.  Now that Orinakin's a.) always away and b.) married, it makes sense for Selorin to move on and find someone of his own.

Talin has known great love (Anosanim) as well as great heartbreak and betrayal (Hitari).  He seems to think that he'll never know romance again, but I can't wait to prove him wrong.  In time, he'll heal and learn that his days of passion aren't all behind him.  Is now the moment?

What kinds of guys would be best for Selorin and Talin?  Ack, I can't answer.  All of my answers either give too much away, or are deliberately misleading and take my brain off on interesting tangents which lead to fun new worlds of cheerful sex adventures.  You tell me what you think about the kinds of guys Selorin and Talin should end up with.

Emmytie, I wish you all of the best in your job hunt!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Coming soon

The end of the The Gold Book is almost here!  I'm in the process of wrapping up this stage of the journey and preparing for the next romance of ITL.

Orinakin got Bade.  Kudorin got Xio Voe.  Remin got Tano.

Who's next?  Which of the Seven Siblings will be next to fall in love?

And who will the other guy in the romance be?  What kind of guy will we meet in the next book?

What are you looking forward to as we move to the next story in ITL?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Golden Goddess e-book

The Mystery of the Golden Goddess!  Hooray!  Writing this story was so much fun, I'm really glad to be able to share it with you.

Print version here.

E-version here.

Thank you so much for your support!

Trent and Jason e-book

Okay!  Trent and Jason is now available in e-book!  Thank you, Diamond, for your formatting and trouble-shooting work.

I hope that you enjoy Trent and Jason!  It was fun stuff to write.  I had a great time following the development of their relationship.  What will they do for Valentine's Day?  How will things go during a trip out of town?  What happens when they reunite after a summer apart?  Lots of fun, lots of sex, lots of good times.

It feels good to have another item crossed off my publishing to-do list.  Now, you go read Trent and Jason, and I'll get back to work!

Monday, May 14, 2012


If you've purchased the e-book versions of my work, did you have problems with the formatting?  What were they?

Were there italics where they should have been (Bade's thoughts, for example)?  Were the head rules/horizontal lines visible to mark scenes, or did the scenes all run into each other haphazardly?


Making progress!

Trent and Jason and The Mystery of the Golden Goddess are both available on Amazon!

What we're working on next, not in chronological order:

A Suitor's Tale so that you can read more ITL sex.  Then, I hope, Dragons.

Finishing up the Amazon versions of The Purple Book.

Publishing The Rainbow Book and The Gold Book in print form.

E-book versions of everything!

After that, more new stuff!  Because there can never be enough fun stuff to read, am I right?

Friday, May 11, 2012


The Mystery of the Golden Goddess should be out this week.  I thought that it would be fun to give you a snippet to read while you wait.  But which snippet?  The first scene, to get you started?  Part of a sex scene?  You've already seen the map; what could top that?

My real problem is that around all of the sex scenes, The Golden Goddess is a mystery, and I don't want to give anything away or say too much about the wrong character or spoil your fun.  I want to tell you all about who the hot guys are and who they're going to have sex with along the way, because some of the foreign people showing up to sign the treaty are very fun and very sexy (and very dramatic, in a particular young king's case).  And there's a bunch of romance in the middle of it, so I want to talk about the love and drama and heartache.

Writing The Golden Goddess made me want to write some prequels and sequels so that we can get more of the story.  I want to flesh out everything that happens before and everything that's going to happen next.  When the story ends and everyone goes home to new, changed lives, how does it go?

I want you to have read The Golden Goddess already so that we can talk about these things!

It should be up in the next few days (fingers crossed).  After the print version's out, we'll try to put out an e-book or a Kindle version or something, for The Golden Goddess and for Trent and Jason, before we do whatever comes next (which should be A Suitor's Tale).

Until then, I still don't know what the best excerpt would be, but I'm always amused by this little bit from Rini, after the Golden Goddess has been stolen and they're trying to figure out what's happened:

“However it works, however servants pass around keys in this place, if whoever needs to get in here to change linens or start fires or prepare baths or clean or dust or scrub or whatever, if all of those people can get in here when they need to, then that lock is about as secure as the buttons on my pants.  Anyone can get in for any reason.”

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We're prepping The Mystery of the Golden Goddess for publication, and as we work on it, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that I have a map!

As I've mentioned before, when I wrote The Mystery of the Golden Goddess, I drew a map of the nations involved so that I could get a grasp on their geography and how they related to each other.  (I am such a Serious Writer.  You have no idea.  SUPER PROFESSIONAL.)  The map I drew myself was horribly simplistic and laughably ugly, so Diamond was kind enough to draw a professional map for me.  It'll be included in The Mystery of the Golden Goddess to give readers (you!) an idea of the countries under discussion.

The two countries at the top and the one in the middle (Klase, Elkennes, and Hac Sawj) used to be one unified country, Hac Jawesse.  Then there was civil war and other bad stuff, and the country split up into the three nations you see today.  The guy who's on the throne of Hac Sawj today is part of a long line of kings leading back to the throne of Hac Jawesse.

And there's your cursory history lesson on nonexistent kingdoms!

In other news, we're hoping to have some Kindle versions of everything up sooner, rather than later.  Fingers crossed!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

ITL mystery

Now that Trent and Jason is available, let's talk about what's coming up next!

As it turns out, I've written a mystery story.  Not, as I mentioned earlier, a murder mystery.  The world of ITL is filled with so many cialexes that someone running around killing people would have the main characters all distraught, and it would lead to more outraged speech-making than hot wild sex.

The Mystery of the Golden Goddess takes place post-Purple, pre-Rainbow.  Orinakin and Bade are off on a diplomatic mission, and they bring Rini along for fun.  Orinakin plans to make a quick stop to get some people to sign a treaty before he takes Rini to visit some Leetesrian family members.  It'll all be a quick, simple little excursion.

Or not.

See, back in the day, there was some old country (OC) that got into a bunch of strife and stuff.  It split from one country into three, but it had some fancy super-important statue (FSIS), and the OC was worried that something would happen to the FSIS in the middle of all of the war and violence and hard times.  So the leaders of the OC handed the FSIS to Kudorin for safekeeping.

Now the current rulers from the OC and their neighbors (who were sucked into the war and violence and hard times) are meeting up to sign a treaty.  Everyone agrees to peace, the OC gets its precious FSIS back, everyone wins!

Except that before Orinakin can hand the FSIS over, it sort of disappears.


Now Orinakin has to find the FSIS before the treaty falls apart.  You know how Orinakin is, he'd get all upset and stuff if war broke out again.

That description of events didn't sound very sexy, did it?  NEVER FEAR!  I managed to cram sex and romance into this story JUST FOR YOU because I know how much you enjoy it.  You will get mystery and drama, as you would expect, but you will also get sex and romance, because when you come to Matthew Haldeman-Time, you get the full package.

Hmm.  That sounded kind of dirty.  Let's leave it that way.


If all goes according to plan, everything I publish on Amazon will eventually be available for the Kindle.  Please make note of the word "eventually" in that sentence.  As you'll notice, it's taken me roughly 80 thousand years to get five books on Amazon.  It would be nice if the Kindle stuff would be up next month.  It's just as likely to get there sometime in the year 2025.

I do understand that many of you would like a paperless version, and I thank you for your support!  I'm glad that you want to read my work in any form.  But in honest answer to the question of whether my work will be available in e-book form, all I can say is "yes" and "not immediately."

Thursday, May 3, 2012

New fiction!


Trent and Jason

If you've poked around my site, you already know Trent and Jason from their two short stories, "Incredible" and "Stupid Question."  Jason is moody and irritable and antisocial, Trent's wholesome and athletic and popular, and now they're in love.

Aw, how sweet.

In their book, you'll get the two original short stories plus five NEW short stories with sex and romance and fancy things like character development, or something?  I don't know, I was distracted by the sex.

It's up now at CreateSpace, and it'll be on Amazon in the next few days.

Diamond worked hard on the cover, so please take a moment to admire it before jumping in to read!

Thank you for your support!  We're working on the cover for the ITL mystery now, so that should be out soon!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Guys in Cars

Hooray!  Guys in Cars!

It's up on CreateSpace now and should be on Amazon in a few days.

Thanks to Diamond for the new covers for Guys in Cars, Guys in College, and Off the Record.  I'll keep working on updating images and links.

Diamond's working on the cover for Trent and Jason now.  (Yeah, we've ended up going with Trent and Jason as the title.)  You know what that means?  NEW FICTION FOR YOU!  It's taken way too long to move my existing work to Amazon, but now we're getting into the new stuff, and that means HAPPINESS FOR EVERYONE.

Thank you for your patience!  Trent and Jason will be here soon.  And then the ITL mystery, I hope.  And then A Suitor's Tale (fingers crossed).  Hooray!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Publishing update

I still need to edit my site to upload the new book covers, update links, etc.  For now, here's where stuff stands:

The first volume of The Purple Book is here.

Off the Record is here.

Guys in College is here.

Guys in Cars will be next as soon as we straighten out issues uploading the cover.

After that should be Trent and Jason, once we format it, figure out a title, and design the cover.

After that should be the ITL mystery.

Then (fingers crossed) should be A Suitor's Tale, the rest of The Purple Book, The Rainbow Book, The Gold Book, and the novel about dragons.

The cover for the ITL mystery will be tricky.  If it were a murder mystery, it would be easier, because we could just splash some blood spatter across the cover and be finished with it.  But it's not a murder mystery, because the Anorians are such cialexes that the atrocity of murder would be so upsetting it would sort of derail the whole plot.  It's an "oh no this priceless artifact is missing WHATEVER SHALL WE DO" mystery, with romance and sex scenes and random humor thrown in for fun because that's how I roll.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Gold Book and more

This week's ITL installment will be up shortly!  You've probably noticed, what with the wedding and everything, that we're honing in on the end of The Gold Book.  I'm really looking forward to the next book!  And the one after that, and the one after that!  I hope that you've had fun with Remin and Tano.  The Gold Book isn't over tonight, but it's about time for things to slow down, and I hope that you'll like where the story goes next!

Since you asked, no, there's no difference between the books on Lulu and the books on Amazon.  I do edit and update things between the version on the site and the version which goes into print, but I haven't changed the text for the Amazon versions.

The Amazon versions are there primarily to make my work available for a wider audience.  The prices are lower, also, which is nice.  Actually, I was counting on the prices being lower with Amazon, and when I saw the Amazon price for The Purple Book, I was so discouraged that I changed my cut from $5 to $4.  So you pay less, which is what I wanted, but I get less, which is not what I wanted.  Alas.

Anyway, Amazon versions of Off the Record and Guys in College should be next (with new covers) and then, I believe, Guys in Cars.  After that I hope to publish Trent and Jason's short story collection.

So!  I'm looking forward to the next plotline in ITL, and I hope that you're looking forward to Trent and Jason's book.  It'll include "Incredible" and "Stupid Question" from the site now, plus five new stories.  Hooray for new fiction!

Editing to add: Speaking of moving from Amazon to Lulu, I find Amazon's process much more pleasant than Lulu's.  If anyone out there's considering choosing one over the other, I'd recommend Amazon thus far.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Publishing news


Got the first volume of The Purple Book up; it should be available on Amazon itself in a few days.  Much more to follow, including some stuff already on Lulu and some new stuff (hooray).  Diamond and I are formatting and editing and reviewing and hope to have most of it up this month.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

What's going on

Thanks to a note in comments, I'm going to try moving from Lulu to Amazon.

Right now, the goal is to publish anything new (like The Rainbow Book, the Trent & Jason book) through Amazon and to re-publish everything that's currently on Lulu (like Off the Record) on Amazon as well.  That means that it'll also be easier for me to publish for the Kindle, if you happen to have one.

Looks like I forgot to add A Suitor's Tale to the list of upcoming fiction I posted earlier, so I'll go ahead and add that.

I started a short story for Wamesh that went well but wasn't really what I wanted for him; the completely different second story makes a much better "A Senator's Tale."  And I wrote a short story for Jonan that will probably be a better story in a different timeline or a different country; it also has the potential to be much longer than I expected to include in A Suitor's Tale.  So there's some fiction that won't make it into the book which you'll probably get in other forms.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Emmytie and Sylvie, I really appreciate the support!  And the recommendation.  I'll look into it.

I've been working on short stories for A Suitor's Tale this weekend.  I need to finish "A Judge's Tale" and edit "A Vizier's Tale," but "A Senator's Tale" is going very well.  Can't wait for you to read it!

Hunh.  I was going to stop there, but maybe I should explain.  Bade and Xio Voe got their own stories (you know, The Purple Book and The Rainbow Book, maybe you've heard of them!) but the rest of the suitors we saw wanted their own stories to be told.  So each one got a short story to flesh out what happened to him after he met Anosukinom.

All of the suitors' stories will be gathered together for publication in A Suitor's Tale.  The ones already on the site (Aiae, Dranz, T'rin, Dillane, Gael) plus the ones I haven't finished (Wamesh, Lansester, Jonan) along with "A Brother's Tale" (spun off from Aiae's story).

I enjoy writing the suitors' stories.  It's fun to write about cultures outside of Orina Anoris.

Who's your favorite suitor?  Which suitor's story did you like the most, or which one are you looking forward to?

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Prepping the first volume of The Rainbow Book; should have it up on Lulu this week.

I'm working with Lulu's various distribution services to get my work on Barnes & Noble and Amazon, and to make it available for the Nook and Kindle.  Some of those things they'll handle if I just sign up; some of those things I have to pay for.  We'll see how it goes.

Speaking of publishing, let me toss you some info about pricing.

When you buy my work through Lulu, I get $5 a book.  If you pay $15, I get $5 and Lulu gets the other $10.

Unfortunately, when you buy my work through Barnes & Noble, I get nothing.

The Barnes & Noble price is based on the Lulu price.  To raise the price on the Barnes & Noble books to get $5 a book, I'd also have to raise the Lulu price, which isn't fair to you, as supportive and loyal readers.

It frustrates me not to be paid for my work, but for the meanwhile I'm going to try to make my fiction available on Barnes & Noble and Amazon, in the hopes that people who purchase it will visit my site and then subscribe to ITL or buy my other work through Lulu.

In the future, if you see my work for sale at Amazon or Barnes & Noble, please buy it from Lulu instead.  Or please make a donation through PayPal.  Your support is hugely appreciated.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I am super tech-savvy.  I just added tags to previous blog posts and added a "tags" list to the side of the page.  Handy!

I don't know why I found it necessary to add a tag for ITL and a tag for "In This Land."  Redundancy is sexy?

The "fiction" tag will be used for discussions of general fiction.  Non-ITL fiction.  A post about Remin and Tano will be tagged with "ITL" and "In This Land," a post about my Trent & Jason short story collection will be tagged with "fiction," and a post about both will be tagged with both.

In a few hours I'll become irritated with redundant ITL/"In This Land" tags and get rid of one, so enjoy them now.  If they're still up when you read this, vote for which one you'd like to keep!

More about dragons

Hooray and thanks to the folks looking forward to the stuff I talked about here.

From comments!

Mountie: Dragons? O_O You have a book on your hard drive Matthew called Dragons and you haven't told us about it. Please answer: Is it about REAL large reptilian like Dragons or the human kind, like oriental martial artist kind of Dragons? Or some other subject.

Real dragons!  Big ol' fire-breathing beasts.  I don't know if the book's title will actually be Dragons - -  probably not - - but I don't have anything else to call it at the moment.

I thought of a title like Dragons: Sacred Trust, but I don't love it.  So, so far, just Dragons.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Upcoming releases

New fiction for 2012! Here's some of what you'll see this year (if all goes according to plan):

The Rainbow Book: As we finish The Gold Book and move forward in ITL, it's time for Kudorin and Xio Voe's story to hit print!

Trent and Jason: A short story collection featuring our favorites from "Incredible" and "Stupid Question." So far, the title's Trent and Jason because I haven't bothered to come up with anything else. I'll either think of a better title or just publish it as Trent and Jason. Or Incredible, maybe.

ITL Mystery: Yes! A mystery story based within the world of "In This Land." So much fun to write. (No, the actual title's not ITL Mystery. And yes, the mystery will involve sex and romance! More details later/soon!)

Dragons: This novel may, someday, make it off of my hard drive. Will 2012 be the year? Fingers crossed!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Hooray for the first ITL update of 2012!

This year, we shall wrap up The Gold Book and launch the next plot of ITL.

Orinakin, Kudorin, and Remin are taken care of. That leaves Selorin, Desin, Anosanim, Talin and Rini.

Who do you think will be the next romance of ITL?