Friday, January 13, 2012


I am super tech-savvy.  I just added tags to previous blog posts and added a "tags" list to the side of the page.  Handy!

I don't know why I found it necessary to add a tag for ITL and a tag for "In This Land."  Redundancy is sexy?

The "fiction" tag will be used for discussions of general fiction.  Non-ITL fiction.  A post about Remin and Tano will be tagged with "ITL" and "In This Land," a post about my Trent & Jason short story collection will be tagged with "fiction," and a post about both will be tagged with both.

In a few hours I'll become irritated with redundant ITL/"In This Land" tags and get rid of one, so enjoy them now.  If they're still up when you read this, vote for which one you'd like to keep!


  1. I was going to vote for ITL, it just has a nice ring to it, you know :D But then I saw you also have an IRL tag, so is it going to be confusing?

  2. I am happy with both Matthew, though if you have to get rid of one it would be ITL. Like K said ITL & IRL are very close.
