Sunday, May 6, 2012


If all goes according to plan, everything I publish on Amazon will eventually be available for the Kindle.  Please make note of the word "eventually" in that sentence.  As you'll notice, it's taken me roughly 80 thousand years to get five books on Amazon.  It would be nice if the Kindle stuff would be up next month.  It's just as likely to get there sometime in the year 2025.

I do understand that many of you would like a paperless version, and I thank you for your support!  I'm glad that you want to read my work in any form.  But in honest answer to the question of whether my work will be available in e-book form, all I can say is "yes" and "not immediately."


  1. Thank you for addressing this. I understand things take time. You already have a long to do list. I'll just view it as an opportunity to work on my patience and sense of being grateful for the things I already have rather than complaining about what I don't have. :) See you're good for my character that way ;)

  2. I want to echo amela. Thanks for mentioning that it is in your plans.
