Saturday, February 4, 2012

What's going on

Thanks to a note in comments, I'm going to try moving from Lulu to Amazon.

Right now, the goal is to publish anything new (like The Rainbow Book, the Trent & Jason book) through Amazon and to re-publish everything that's currently on Lulu (like Off the Record) on Amazon as well.  That means that it'll also be easier for me to publish for the Kindle, if you happen to have one.

Looks like I forgot to add A Suitor's Tale to the list of upcoming fiction I posted earlier, so I'll go ahead and add that.

I started a short story for Wamesh that went well but wasn't really what I wanted for him; the completely different second story makes a much better "A Senator's Tale."  And I wrote a short story for Jonan that will probably be a better story in a different timeline or a different country; it also has the potential to be much longer than I expected to include in A Suitor's Tale.  So there's some fiction that won't make it into the book which you'll probably get in other forms.


  1. Just an FYI:

    I read this and I remembered someone mentioning something in a blog post in the past. I'm hoping I am misremembering and this isn't applicable, but in case it was you, I thought I'd make sure you are aware.

  2. Good luck on getting your stuff on Amazon - I hope that works out. I'm looking forward to reading all the stuff you're currently working on :)

  3. Emmytie, hi! Thanks for the heads-up. Yeah, I've been aware of this for years, and I've explored other options, but nothing's panned out. I'll continue to cross my fingers and look for a safe alternative.

    Amela, thank you! I really appreciate it.
