Sunday, January 29, 2012


Emmytie and Sylvie, I really appreciate the support!  And the recommendation.  I'll look into it.

I've been working on short stories for A Suitor's Tale this weekend.  I need to finish "A Judge's Tale" and edit "A Vizier's Tale," but "A Senator's Tale" is going very well.  Can't wait for you to read it!

Hunh.  I was going to stop there, but maybe I should explain.  Bade and Xio Voe got their own stories (you know, The Purple Book and The Rainbow Book, maybe you've heard of them!) but the rest of the suitors we saw wanted their own stories to be told.  So each one got a short story to flesh out what happened to him after he met Anosukinom.

All of the suitors' stories will be gathered together for publication in A Suitor's Tale.  The ones already on the site (Aiae, Dranz, T'rin, Dillane, Gael) plus the ones I haven't finished (Wamesh, Lansester, Jonan) along with "A Brother's Tale" (spun off from Aiae's story).

I enjoy writing the suitors' stories.  It's fun to write about cultures outside of Orina Anoris.

Who's your favorite suitor?  Which suitor's story did you like the most, or which one are you looking forward to?

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Prepping the first volume of The Rainbow Book; should have it up on Lulu this week.

I'm working with Lulu's various distribution services to get my work on Barnes & Noble and Amazon, and to make it available for the Nook and Kindle.  Some of those things they'll handle if I just sign up; some of those things I have to pay for.  We'll see how it goes.

Speaking of publishing, let me toss you some info about pricing.

When you buy my work through Lulu, I get $5 a book.  If you pay $15, I get $5 and Lulu gets the other $10.

Unfortunately, when you buy my work through Barnes & Noble, I get nothing.

The Barnes & Noble price is based on the Lulu price.  To raise the price on the Barnes & Noble books to get $5 a book, I'd also have to raise the Lulu price, which isn't fair to you, as supportive and loyal readers.

It frustrates me not to be paid for my work, but for the meanwhile I'm going to try to make my fiction available on Barnes & Noble and Amazon, in the hopes that people who purchase it will visit my site and then subscribe to ITL or buy my other work through Lulu.

In the future, if you see my work for sale at Amazon or Barnes & Noble, please buy it from Lulu instead.  Or please make a donation through PayPal.  Your support is hugely appreciated.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I am super tech-savvy.  I just added tags to previous blog posts and added a "tags" list to the side of the page.  Handy!

I don't know why I found it necessary to add a tag for ITL and a tag for "In This Land."  Redundancy is sexy?

The "fiction" tag will be used for discussions of general fiction.  Non-ITL fiction.  A post about Remin and Tano will be tagged with "ITL" and "In This Land," a post about my Trent & Jason short story collection will be tagged with "fiction," and a post about both will be tagged with both.

In a few hours I'll become irritated with redundant ITL/"In This Land" tags and get rid of one, so enjoy them now.  If they're still up when you read this, vote for which one you'd like to keep!

More about dragons

Hooray and thanks to the folks looking forward to the stuff I talked about here.

From comments!

Mountie: Dragons? O_O You have a book on your hard drive Matthew called Dragons and you haven't told us about it. Please answer: Is it about REAL large reptilian like Dragons or the human kind, like oriental martial artist kind of Dragons? Or some other subject.

Real dragons!  Big ol' fire-breathing beasts.  I don't know if the book's title will actually be Dragons - -  probably not - - but I don't have anything else to call it at the moment.

I thought of a title like Dragons: Sacred Trust, but I don't love it.  So, so far, just Dragons.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Upcoming releases

New fiction for 2012! Here's some of what you'll see this year (if all goes according to plan):

The Rainbow Book: As we finish The Gold Book and move forward in ITL, it's time for Kudorin and Xio Voe's story to hit print!

Trent and Jason: A short story collection featuring our favorites from "Incredible" and "Stupid Question." So far, the title's Trent and Jason because I haven't bothered to come up with anything else. I'll either think of a better title or just publish it as Trent and Jason. Or Incredible, maybe.

ITL Mystery: Yes! A mystery story based within the world of "In This Land." So much fun to write. (No, the actual title's not ITL Mystery. And yes, the mystery will involve sex and romance! More details later/soon!)

Dragons: This novel may, someday, make it off of my hard drive. Will 2012 be the year? Fingers crossed!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Hooray for the first ITL update of 2012!

This year, we shall wrap up The Gold Book and launch the next plot of ITL.

Orinakin, Kudorin, and Remin are taken care of. That leaves Selorin, Desin, Anosanim, Talin and Rini.

Who do you think will be the next romance of ITL?