Saturday, January 28, 2012


Prepping the first volume of The Rainbow Book; should have it up on Lulu this week.

I'm working with Lulu's various distribution services to get my work on Barnes & Noble and Amazon, and to make it available for the Nook and Kindle.  Some of those things they'll handle if I just sign up; some of those things I have to pay for.  We'll see how it goes.

Speaking of publishing, let me toss you some info about pricing.

When you buy my work through Lulu, I get $5 a book.  If you pay $15, I get $5 and Lulu gets the other $10.

Unfortunately, when you buy my work through Barnes & Noble, I get nothing.

The Barnes & Noble price is based on the Lulu price.  To raise the price on the Barnes & Noble books to get $5 a book, I'd also have to raise the Lulu price, which isn't fair to you, as supportive and loyal readers.

It frustrates me not to be paid for my work, but for the meanwhile I'm going to try to make my fiction available on Barnes & Noble and Amazon, in the hopes that people who purchase it will visit my site and then subscribe to ITL or buy my other work through Lulu.

In the future, if you see my work for sale at Amazon or Barnes & Noble, please buy it from Lulu instead.  Or please make a donation through PayPal.  Your support is hugely appreciated.


  1. Why not instead epublish through Amazon or Barnes and Noble directly? I would love to buy your work and have it in a nonpdf format that I could put on my ereader. You could sell it for 13 dollars and you'd get 12 dollars off every sale on Amazon I think. I know more about the Amazon process because more people have tried it, but I'm sure there are other avenues as well.

  2. To emmytie, there are softwares that enable you to convert PDF files to other formats for ebooks (such as Calibre which is a free software).
    I try to always buy my ebooks from the site that gives the more royalties to the authors, so I'll stick with Lulu...

    1. Sylvie, sure Calibre can convert pdfs, but Lulu is gonna take 10 bucks off the top where some of the other places you can self publish don't.

      I wasn't saying I refuse to buy from Lulu. I've been supporting Matthew for as long as I've been reading his stuff. I was saying that there might be alternatives where he can make more money and maybe it's more convenient for his readers.

    2. Hopefully, once all is said and done, Matthew will let us know which avenue allows for the most royalties to come his way. Until then it looks like LuLu is the best option. Good Luck Matthew in figuring it out. Let us know once you have decided.
