Monday, May 14, 2012


If you've purchased the e-book versions of my work, did you have problems with the formatting?  What were they?

Were there italics where they should have been (Bade's thoughts, for example)?  Were the head rules/horizontal lines visible to mark scenes, or did the scenes all run into each other haphazardly?


  1. I purchased all of your books in the e-book format and to my knowledge, there were never any issues with formatting.

  2. Hello Matthew - I've been a loyal reader from the beginning and am still loving ITL. I'd comment more often and tell you so, but alas, blogspot only posts my comments with a lj or OpenID profile once in a blue moon, it seems. So many a fangirling comment has gone unsent. Darn blogspot.

    Which is an attempt to explain that I feel bad sending a complaint, of sorts, if this manages to get through where others have not. I bought your two new ebooks on May 18 and have still not read them, because I dislike the format so much. I read on my computer, I do not own a reader and don't intend to buy one, and I always read PDFs because I can scroll, which is the most comfortable way for me to read on my laptop. Or, as I'm coming to realize, the only way I can read on my laptop. It is very uncomfortable for me to read in the bottom third of the screen, to the point where I haven't made it beyond the first page, even though I was very excited about reading the books. Usually if I have to buy an ePub, it's no problem because I just convert it to pdf. Conversion to my preferred format is not possible when I don't actually own the book, but only a 'key' to the file. It seems rather like paying to belong to a library rather than buying a book.

    I don't know your reasons for using a drm format. I don't happen to personally believe that taking ownership rights away from law-abiding consumers is the way to maximize sales. But if minimizing unauthorized copies is your main goal, you might consider also offering the PDF for ADE. The Adobe site seems to indicate that I'd still be able to scroll a drm'd PDF.

    I've purchased all of the other ITL books in print, and may eventually get Mystery, and suppose I'll have to wait until then to read it.

    In the meantime- I'll say that I'm still loving ITL. I'm a couple of weeks behind as I've recently been on vacation and as I only let myself read while I'm on the elliptical machine (large font and a well-placed bookcase - thanks for helping me keep in shape!). But I can't wait to see who is next. And who we get to meet next! I wouldn't have thought you could top Bade as most beloved spouse, but Tano is such a delight. AND! Kudorin is amazing and I'm glad he finally found a way.

    There, hopefully this actually posts, as I tried to cram a good few months of comments into it.

    For a different perspective on drm, consider reading:

  3. Hello Matthew - I've been a loyal reader from the beginning and am still loving ITL. I'd comment more often and tell you so, but alas, blogger only posts my comments with a lj or OpenID profile once in a blue moon, it seems. So many a fangirling comment has gone unsent. Darn blogger*.

    Which is an attempt to explain that I feel bad sending a complaint, of sorts, if this manages to get through where others have not. I bought your two new ebooks on May 18 and have still not read them, because I dislike the format so much. I read on my computer, I do not own a reader and don't intend to buy one, and I always read PDFs because I can scroll, which is the most comfortable way for me to read on my laptop. Or, as I'm coming to realize, the only way I can read on my laptop. It is very uncomfortable for me to read in the bottom third of the screen, to the point where I haven't made it beyond the first page, even though I was very excited about reading the books. Usually if I have to buy an ePub, it's no problem because I just convert it to pdf. Conversion to my preferred format is not possible when I don't actually own the book, but only a 'key' to the file. It seems rather like paying to belong to a library rather than buying a book.

    I don't know your reasons for using a drm format. I don't happen to personally believe that taking ownership rights away from law-abiding consumers is the way to maximize sales. But if minimizing unauthorized copies is your main goal, you might consider also offering the PDF for ADE. The Adobe site seems to indicate that I'd still be able to scroll a drm'd PDF.

    I've purchased all of the other ITL books in print, and may eventually get Mystery, and suppose I'll have to wait until then to read it.

    In the meantime- I'll say that I'm still loving ITL. I'm a couple of weeks behind as I've recently been on vacation and as I only let myself read while I'm on the elliptical machine (large font and a well-placed bookcase - thanks for helping me keep in shape!). But I can't wait to see who is next. And who we get to meet next! I wouldn't have thought you could top Bade as most beloved spouse, but Tano is such a delight. AND! Kudorin is amazing and I'm glad he finally found a way.

    There, hopefully this actually posts, as I tried to cram a good few months of comments into it.

    For a different perspective on drm, consider reading:

    *didn't work again (and again), figured something else out... I hope.
