Friday, May 11, 2012


The Mystery of the Golden Goddess should be out this week.  I thought that it would be fun to give you a snippet to read while you wait.  But which snippet?  The first scene, to get you started?  Part of a sex scene?  You've already seen the map; what could top that?

My real problem is that around all of the sex scenes, The Golden Goddess is a mystery, and I don't want to give anything away or say too much about the wrong character or spoil your fun.  I want to tell you all about who the hot guys are and who they're going to have sex with along the way, because some of the foreign people showing up to sign the treaty are very fun and very sexy (and very dramatic, in a particular young king's case).  And there's a bunch of romance in the middle of it, so I want to talk about the love and drama and heartache.

Writing The Golden Goddess made me want to write some prequels and sequels so that we can get more of the story.  I want to flesh out everything that happens before and everything that's going to happen next.  When the story ends and everyone goes home to new, changed lives, how does it go?

I want you to have read The Golden Goddess already so that we can talk about these things!

It should be up in the next few days (fingers crossed).  After the print version's out, we'll try to put out an e-book or a Kindle version or something, for The Golden Goddess and for Trent and Jason, before we do whatever comes next (which should be A Suitor's Tale).

Until then, I still don't know what the best excerpt would be, but I'm always amused by this little bit from Rini, after the Golden Goddess has been stolen and they're trying to figure out what's happened:

“However it works, however servants pass around keys in this place, if whoever needs to get in here to change linens or start fires or prepare baths or clean or dust or scrub or whatever, if all of those people can get in here when they need to, then that lock is about as secure as the buttons on my pants.  Anyone can get in for any reason.”


  1. giggle :)... that's a fun quote, thanks for sharing. I can't wait to read the whole story.

  2. I love how Rini's so open and carefree! :) Can't wait to read this!
