Saturday, October 22, 2011


Hey, comments! Hello!

To K: Thank you! It's really a fantastic thing, to have real, live people excited about my work! I really appreciate it!

To Amber: Thank you! I'm very glad to hear how excited you are about ITL. It's terrific to have other people enjoy that world.

To Sylvie: For now, I plan to publish everything myself, through I've found it easier, and I've decided to put all of my eggs in one basket. It may not be my brightest plan ever, and I'm happy to speak with any publishers.

 Thank you all for reading my work, and for stopping by my blog! I hope to use this space to let people in on what's going on behind the scenes.


  1. Matthew! So glad to see you are blogging again. I have missed your posts. :( I look forward to more great writing from you and ITL is my guilty weekend pleasure that I never miss. Thank you!


  2. Yes, thanks for the back story. We all have been 'together' in ITL so long its nice to reconnect with the 'real' you. I have lots of other M/M but currently am on my third complete read of ITL, cannot get out of it. Learn more each read through. ...anyway takes us away from this mess we are making of our country.

  3. as 'Off the Record' gets closer and closer to reality...Hope to see a movie of it someday!

  4. You have been very successful with self-publishing, so I can see why you'd want to stick with it. Though, there are third-party vendors where you could put your books to get more exposure. The nice thing about a publisher is that they do a lot of that marketing for you.

    If you do decide to try a publisher, consider Less Than Three Press. I think your stories are in line with their philosophy, with a stress on plot, character and heart. Sexy-times, too, but not in a way that disrupts the rest. I have never found your sex scenes extraneous like those of so many ebooks out there. In any case, I think your readership probably overlaps with theirs somewhat, but there are plenty more readers who could get a taste of your writing through a LT3 serial or anthology, and then come running to see what else you have.

    Also, Off the Record should SO be a movie!
