As you know if you've read the latest ITL update, we're moving into the next book now. I'm having a great time with it, and I hope that you'll enjoy it, too!
In response to comments:
Michelle, I'm sorry! When Lulu offered me publishing options and recommended the DRM version, I was like, sure, sounds good! I didn't realize that it would drastically change the file's readability. I'll look into fixing that if I can.
Pukku, I apologize. Right now, the CreateSpace, Lulu, and Amazon versions available are all I have. Eventually, ideally, I'll have a version of everything to suit everyone's needs. I'm sorry, y'all are way more versed in e-publishing than I am, so I'm not aware of the pros and cons of every version and how they work with various readers.
I think the main problem here is that a lot of people read e-books in different ways. Some people want PDFs and some want EPUBs and some people use Nook and some people want Kindle and some people don't use either but prefer Kindle formatting anyway.
Maybe it would help if you'd all let me know what works best for you, so that I can prioritize whatever suits the most people. Should I e-publish through Lulu? Should I publish for Kindle? Is there some other thing I should be doing altogether?