Saturday, December 10, 2011


Back in 2007, I wrote a story.  A novel?  Let's just call it a novel.

I had a lot of fun with it.  As I prepared it for publishing, Diamond and I found a few rough edges.  So I made some changes and tried to edit the novel to polish it up a little.

It turned into of those situations where the more you try to fix it, the worse it gets.  The revised version wasn't an improvement at all.  So then I had two versions of the novel, and I wasn't happy with either one of them.  I ended up just leaving them to rot on my hard drive while I tackled other projects.

From time to time, I read that novel and sigh.  The parts that aren't complete crap are so much fun to read!  It's full of sex and romance and mystery and passion and one of my favorite characters.

In 2008, I resigned myself to abandoning that novel entirely.  Then I decided to rescue one of my favorite aspects of that story and use it to build another story altogether.  Now I'm thinking about tackling it again.  Maybe I can salvage the good stuff and create something better, now that some time has passed and I can view it from a fresh perspective.

I have about 80 million unfinished or tragically flawed stories littering my writing history.  There are only a small few of them that I keep wanting to go back to.  Some are slash stories I don't have time to finish, and a couple are wannabe novels that would be great if it weren't for some odd design hiccup.  When real life and ITL give me some breathing room, it'd be nice to revisit those novels and hammer them into shape and see what I can do with them.


  1. well, I hope you are able to find the time to return to the story and edit it to your satisfaction. I know how frustrating it can be to have unfinished projects lying around. I'm frequently guilty of starting things and not finishing them... I always hope to get back to them and rarely do and then they all pile up in my subconscious as things to feel frustrated about and annoyed at myself for not finishing :P

  2. btw, I loved this week's ITL. It reminded me, a bit of Orinikin and Bade's trip to Inatunin before they got engaged.
    I hope Tano won't go too much longer not understanding that Remin is actually in love with him. It's hurting his heart to think that he's not going to have Remin to himself permanently and that makes me sad. But, I love how he lives in the moment and doesn't let the sadness affect his enjoyment of the present :)

  3. oops, brain fart - I meant Satatunin not Inatunin... but you knew that, right? ;)

  4. I hope real life and ITL give you a break even if you don't get some revisions done. If you do though, I know you have fans that would love to read any novels that you do managed to finish.
